Friday AM Fun Day

I had a good wake-up this morning starting at around 6:15. I woke up early this morning, turned on the Boulder remote, and tuned to 3.875 just in time to hear the beginnings of AM activity. Lots of very fine signals!

I enjoyed a round-table with Steve N0BF, Rod W5CZ,OJ K0OJ, Jack K0HEH, Mark KA0SKK, Rob W0FT,Jerry KD0PD, Steve W7JSC.

OJ remarked he had worked some 10M AM’ers in New Hamster on 29.05, which sounded very encouraging! I’m still hoping for some QRP/DX activity like I enjoyed during the last solar maximum. KA0SKK’s 3 807’s modulated by two more 807 bottles sounded fine, and brought back memories of hacking around with a Johnson Mobile I rigged up with an outboard solid state modulator (it was borrowed from the K2TK club founded by W2AAF [SK]). W7JSC was making it in from somewhere in the field near Cheyenne, WY with a R7000 to 100′ of wire, weak but full copy.