Difference between revisions of "Xubuntu Applist"

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m (apt-get apps)
(Xubuntu App List for New Installs)
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* whois (find authoritative version or build repo)
* whois (find authoritative version or build repo)
* ipcmd (again, need to build repo)
* ipcmd (again, need to build repo)
== Ubuntu Marketplace Apps ==
gufw - Graphical Firewall Configurator
dropbox - share files with the NSA
ubuntu one - ubuntu dropbox
== Related: CentOS 5 ==
== Related: CentOS 5 ==
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== Ubuntu Marketplace Apps ==
== Related Stuff ==
Package/App Management Stuff
gufw - Graphical Firewall Configurator
=== List Installed Apps ===
dropbox - share files with the NSA
The result of the following command is a list of comma separated values. First column: path to the .desktop entry, second column: path to the icon, third column: the executable.
ubuntu one - ubuntu dropbox
find /usr/share/applications/ -name '*.desktop' -exec perl -ne 'BEGIN { $pname = $ARGV[0] ; } ; /(Icon|Exec)=(.*)/ and $ret{$1} = $2 ; END { printf "%s,%s,%s\n", $pname, $ret{Icon}, $ret{Exec} ; }' {} \;
Explanation: find prepares a list of files that end with .desktop and are found in /usr/share/applications or a subdirectory thereof, and calls (-exec ... {} \;) a perl oneliner to parse the information.
Perl is started with the -n option which creates an implicit loop iterating over each line of the given file, and an -e option which specifies to run the argument provided.
The perl program contains BEGIN and END blocks to be run before and after each of the .desktop files is parsed (the perl oneliner is called separately each time for each of the files that find has located). BEGIN block records the filename (which is given as the first argument to the oneliner, the {} pragma of find), and the END blocks summarizes the information in a comma separated manner.
Source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/151282/getting-list-of-installed-apps-not-packages
=== List Installed Packages ===
For recreating on another machine...
Create a backup of what packages are currently installed:
sudo dpkg --get-selections > list.txt
Then (on another system) restore installations from that list:
sudo dpkg --clear-selections
sudo dpkg --set-selections < list.txt
To get rid of stale packages
sudo apt-get autoremove
To get installed like at backup time
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
Source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages
See also: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/show-the-list-of-installed-packages-on-ubuntu-or-debian/
=== List Default Packages ===
Packages installed with *buntu
view /etc/apt/sources.list

Revision as of 16:58, 5 September 2013